O controle das atividades humanas corriqueiras pelos governos são fatos e atos milenares. Através dos tempos vemos inúmeros exemplos da tentava de uma uniformização e padronização dos desejos e do pensamento humano pelos governos.
Aldous Huxley ou George Orwell em seus livros s “Admirável Mundo Novo” e “1984” respectivamente nunca poderiam prever que os estados conseguiriam desenvolver um mecanismo de controle individual dos indivíduos.
Neste século ainda as crianças nascerão e serão implantados chips sem seus corpos. Desta forma os estados poderão controlar com mais eficiência seus fora das leis ou os pensamentos indesejáveis de seus cidadãos. Vivemos numa sociedade que condena o politicamente incorreto, apesar deste modelo de sociedade ser extremamente indigno e injusto.
Uma contradição que só é possível graças ao alto grau de alienação que é gerada pela sociedade de consumo.
Este controle pessoal impedirá que os estados tenham oposição ao seu modelo proposto de sociedade, ou modo de vida. O etnocentrismo será praticado sistematicamente e estimulado pelos estados que em conjunto poderão desenvolver critérios eugênicos para sua sociedade graças aos avanços da genética.
Temos de levar em conta ainda que as In it, she attacks brand -oriented consumer culturee and the operations of large corporationss .grandes transnacionais com suas marcas mundiais orientadas para a cultura de consumo já padronizam as necessidades e desejos dos habitantes da terra. She also accuses several such corporations of unethically exploiting workers in the world's poorest countries in pursuit of greater profits. Tais corporações de forma antiética exploram trabalhadores nos países mais pobres do mundo em busca de lucros maiores. Isto sem contar os danos de produção que provocam ao meio ambiente.
Temos de decidir hoje se as futuras gerações serão homens, abelhas ou gado no curral?
The control of everyday human activities by Governments is facts and millenarian acts. Through the ages we see countless examples of trying to standardization and standardization of desires and of human thinking by Governments.
Aldous Huxley and George Orwell in his book "Brave New World" and "1984" respectively would never be able to provide that the Member States would be able to develop a mechanism for individual control of individuals.
This century still children born and chips will be deployed without their bodies. This way they will be able to control more efficiently their out of undesirable laws or the thoughts of their citizens. We live in a society that condemns the politically incorrect, although this model of society being extremely unworthy and unjust.
A contradiction is only possible thanks to the high degree of alienation that is generated by the consumer society.
This control will prevent staff have States opposition to their proposed model, society or way of life. The ethnocentrism is systematically practiced and encouraged by Member States that together can develop criteria for their society thanks to eugenics journals advances in genetics.
We must take into account that the with its global brands transnational oriented consumer culture already standardizes the needs and wishes of the inhabitants of the Earth. Such corporations as unethical exploit workers in the world's poorest countries in search of higher profits. It’s this unassuming production causing damage to the environment.
We have to decide today whether future generations will be men, bees or cattle in the stable?
Temos de decidir hoje se as futuras gerações serão homens, abelhas ou gado no curral?
The control of everyday human activities by Governments is facts and millenarian acts. Through the ages we see countless examples of trying to standardization and standardization of desires and of human thinking by Governments.
Aldous Huxley and George Orwell in his book "Brave New World" and "1984" respectively would never be able to provide that the Member States would be able to develop a mechanism for individual control of individuals.
This century still children born and chips will be deployed without their bodies. This way they will be able to control more efficiently their out of undesirable laws or the thoughts of their citizens. We live in a society that condemns the politically incorrect, although this model of society being extremely unworthy and unjust.
A contradiction is only possible thanks to the high degree of alienation that is generated by the consumer society.
This control will prevent staff have States opposition to their proposed model, society or way of life. The ethnocentrism is systematically practiced and encouraged by Member States that together can develop criteria for their society thanks to eugenics journals advances in genetics.
We must take into account that the with its global brands transnational oriented consumer culture already standardizes the needs and wishes of the inhabitants of the Earth. Such corporations as unethical exploit workers in the world's poorest countries in search of higher profits. It’s this unassuming production causing damage to the environment.
We have to decide today whether future generations will be men, bees or cattle in the stable?
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