quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

African Hot Punch

A Saturday Afternoon recipe
African Hot Punch recipe
·         4 bottles brandy
·         2 bottles white rum
·         4 liter coffee
·         113 g sugar
Pour brandy and rum into a bowl filled with sugar.Set on fire (use extreme caution) and let sugar dissolve. Add black coffee and stir well

Ponche Africano
·         4 garrafas brandy
·         2 garrafas de  rum branco
·         4 l de café
·         113 g açúcar

Nutrition (1 L)
Calories/Calorias (Kcal) 1752              Fiber/Fibras                  0
Energy/ Energia (Kj) 7332                 Sugars/Açucares                -
Fats/Gorduras 2,94 g                         Cholesterol /Colesterol        0 mg
Protein/Proteinas 0,51 g                     Sodium/ Sodio              43,8 mg           Alcohol /Alcool     170,1 g

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