sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Sopa de vegetais (Vegetable soup)

Ingredientes (Ingredients):

2 colheres de manteiga/2 tps Butter; or margarine
2 cebolas medias até 3/2 md Onions; up to 3

1 cenoura descascadas e cortada/peeled and sliced 1 lb Carrots; peeled and sliced

240 g nabos descascados e cortados /240 g Turnips; peeled and sliced
300 g de batata coratdas e descascadas/300 g Potatoes; peeled & sliced
5 colheres de sopa de pure de tomate/5 tps Tomato paste
300 ml de água /300 ml Water
2 dentes de alhos/2 Garlic cloves; sliced
1 colher de sopa de sal /1 tps -salt
3/4 colher de sopa de manjericão /3/4 tsp Basil, dried
1/04 de colher de sopa de noz-moscada/1/4 tsp Nutmeg

Modo de preparo (How to prepare):

Sopa de legumes é tradicionalmente servida creme de leite. Na panela, Derreta a manteiga e quando estiver espumoso, adicione a cebola e frite até dourar. Adicione tudo na panela exceto o último copo de água e o creme de leite e decore com salsa. Deixe, coberto, por cerca de 20 minutos, ou até as batatas e cenouras estiver cozidas. Bater no liquidificador, cerca de 1 para 1 1/2 xícaras por vez. Quando a consistência estiver igual a um purê, lavar a panela com o copo de água e adicionar que a liquidificador 'vazio. Bater no liquidificador por alguns segundos e, em seguida, colocar a água e obter o máximo de purê possível. Adicione este líquido na sopa. Despeje a sopa de volta no pote limpo antes de servir aquecer (utilizar calor muito suave). Panelas em tigelas. Decore com creme azedo e Salsa como descrito acima.

Vegetable soup is traditionally served with a spoonful of sour cream on top; this is carefully swirled out with a spoon to amke a spiral shape, representative of the galaxy. The outline of the galaxy is then emphasized with very finely chopped parsley. for less festive occasions, it may be served with a small spoonful of butter (or margarine) in the centre. In the pot, melt the butter and when it is foamy, add the onion and fry until golden. Add everything else to the pot except the last cup of water and the sour cream and parsley garnishes. Simmer, covered, for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the potatoes and carrots are tender. Run it all through the blender, about 1 to 1 1/2 cups at a time. When it is all pureed, rinse the cooking pot with the cup of water and add that to the 'empty' blender. Run the blender for a few seconds and then slosh the water about to get as much of the vegetable puree as possible off the sides of the blender. Add this liquid to the soup. Pour the soup back into the cleaned out pot and reheat it before serving (use very gentle heat). Ladle into bowls. Garnish with sour cream and parsley as described above.

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