Ingredientes (Ingredients)
4 tomates / 4 tomatoes
100 g de atum em óleo /100 g of tuna in oil
1 miolo de salsão branco / 1 kernel white celery
50 g de cogumelo em óleo / 50 g of mushroom in oil
2 ovos cozidos / 2 boiled eggs
150 ml de maionese / 150 ml of mayonnaise
50 g de azeitona preta sem caroço / 50 g of pitted black olives
1 colher de sopa de salsinha triturada / 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
50 ml de suco de limão/ 50 ml lemon juice
2 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva / 2 tablespoons olive oil
Sal / Salt
Modo de preparo (How to prepare)
Cortar os tomates na metade,horizontalmente,amassar e eliminar as sementes.Salgar e deixar secar por alguns minutos.
Misturar a parte o atum triturado com o suco de limão,salsão cortado, os cogumelos em pedaços e rechear os tomates
Cozinhar os ovos e separadamente amassar as claras e as gemas.Misturar a gema amassada com a salsinha. Colocar os tomates na maionese e recobrir com as claras de ovos amassadas e decorar com as azeitonas.
Cut the tomatoes in half horizontally, kneading and remove the seeds. Flavor with salt and leave to dry for a few minutes.
Mix the minced tuna with lemon juice, chopped celery, sliced mushrooms and fill tomatoes
Cooking eggs and separately kneading the egg whites and egg yolks. Mix the mashed yolk with the parsley. Put the tomatoes in mayonnaise and cover with the egg whites wrinkled and decorate with olives.
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