60 ml de café espresso (espresso coffee)60 ml de água fervendo (boiling water)
2 colheres de açucar (tbsp sugar)
1 vagem/bastão de baunilha(split vanilla bean)100 ml de leite (milk)
60 g de chocolate ao leite picado ( bitter sweet chocolate chopped)
2 colheres de açucar (tbsp sugar)
1 vagem/bastão de baunilha(split vanilla bean)100 ml de leite (milk)
60 g de chocolate ao leite picado ( bitter sweet chocolate chopped)
Canela em pó (cinnamon powder)
Cobrir com chantilly (Top with whipped cream)
Servir em caneca e café
1.Faça um café carioca
2. Enquanto isso, em uma tigela pequena, combine o açúcar e canela e reserve. Usando uma pequena faca, raspe as sementes de baunilha feijão em uma panela média. Despeje o leite e Escalda em fogo moderado, cerca de 5 minutos. Retire do fogo, adicione o chocolate e mexa até derreter. Cobrir e se aquecer em fogo muito baixo.
1. In a coffee mill, finely grind the beans. In a coffee maker, brew the espresso with the boiling water.
2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the sugar and cinnamon and set aside. Using a small knife, scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into a medium saucepan. Pour in the milk and scald over moderate heat, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add chocolate and stir until melted. Cover and keep warm over very low heat.
2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the sugar and cinnamon and set aside. Using a small knife, scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into a medium saucepan. Pour in the milk and scald over moderate heat, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add chocolate and stir until melted. Cover and keep warm over very low heat.
Serve Coffee mug
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