Ingrediente para 4 pessoas/ Ingredient for 4 people
8 abobrinhas pequenas e frescas/ 8 small Zucchini and fresh
2 colheres de sopa de suco de limão/ 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
15 gr. de folhas frescas de menta/ 15 Gr. of fresh leaves of mint
6 colheres de azeite/ 6 tablespoons olive oil
Sal e pimenta / Salt and pepper
Modo de preparo (How to prepare)
Conservar as abobrinhas na geladeira por no máximo 3 horas imersas numa tigela contendo água com alguns pedaços de gelo. Depois de este período retirar da geladeira e lavar, secar e cortar a abobrinha bem fina. Dissolver o sal e pimenta no limão e no azeite. Triturar as folhas frescas de menta e depois misturar com o azeite sal e pimenta e temperar as abobrinhas com este molho.
Keep in the refrigerator for maximum zucchinis 3:0 immersed in a bowl containing water with a few pieces of ice. After this period to withdraw from the fridge and washing, drying and thin cut the zucchini. Dissolve the salt and pepper in lemon and olive oil. Crush the fresh leaves of mint and then mix with the olive oil Salt and pepper and Spice the zucchini with this sauce.
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